Wednesday 18 January 2017

Banana & Peanut Butter Smoothie Recipe

Hi beautiful people,

I hope you all had a great Christmas & New Years! I spent the holidays with some of my beautiful family. My husband had some time off study so that was great to have him home for a couple of weeks also.
As quite a few of us do, I set myself goals that I want to accomplish in 2017. My husband and I wanted to give our bodies the best kick start to the year by doing 3 weeks of very clean eating with no caffeine, sugar, dairy, meat and nothing processed. I've actually enjoyed it, but not gonna lie, I am looking forward to having some coffee in a few days he he. It is great to give our bodies a break from time to time from things like caffeine and sugar.
 Anyway, this smoothie has been my go to for a filling healthy breakfast or snack and it's great for after a workout.

I like to have it as more of an icy 'thick shake' but you can add less frozen banana and more coconut milk to make it thinner if you like it that way. If you're not a fan of peanut butter try adding almond butter which also taste yum.
If you end up making it, tag me in your photo on Instagram @glossysituations I'd love to see!


1 frozen banana
3/4 cup coconut milk
1/4 cup oats
1 tsp chia seeds
1 tsp maca powder (Maca powder is great for helping to regulate hormones and helps to boost your mood and increase energy. Which is great when it comes to giving up coffee for awhile! ha ha)
1 tbsp peanut butter
3-4 dates, depending on how sweet you want it.
and some ice.

Simply put it all into your blender and blend until smooth!

If you enjoyed this post and you want to see more like it, be sure to let me know in the comments below or on Instagram. Also let me know what some of your goals are for the New Year!

Thank you so much for reading!

Mary XO